Week of Productivity, Level 2

Check, please?
Another Week of Metacognition?  Check!  As I've discussed, I've been playing around with these Daily Mind Games to practice thinking in new ways, and hopefully make some improvements to how I think.  For me, it's been an interesting and challenging experiment.

Tell me: do the Daily Mind Games do it for you?  I know I have a smattering of readers out there, so please!  Give me some feedback. Do you like the format of the posts?  Too short, too long?  More posts, fewer posts?  Be honest - I can take it.  I think :)

I ask, because I fear the DMG-format may have run it's course.  For starters, It's actually very difficult to conceive of, and write up a game every day.  I do have a full-time job :)

In addition, many of these concepts are better thought of powerful habits, rather than isolated "games", although I do think it's important to focus.  In any case, I think I sometimes fail to get my point across when I just rattle off a game.  Instead, I may be better able to communicate with a pithy "article", complete with useful links and references to support my claims.

Finally, posting every day may be over-kill for you, the reader.  I wouldn't even want to read my own posts at this rate.  I know for a fact that my own family can't keep up!  Not a good sign.

So, the plan is that this will be the last official Week of Metacognition at The Happy Homunculus.  Moving forward, I'm going to try experimenting with some new ideas and new formats, while continuing to do an occasional Daily Mind Games to wrap things up.  Hopefully you will find these changes to your liking, dear reader.  As I mentioned already, I would really appreciate some comments.  If I don't hear anything, then I'll assume that either no one is out there :) or that you're excited to get some new stuff.

Until then, let's review this last official week of games:

Week of Productivity, Level 2

Day 1Approach - Where are you going?
Day 2Game Time - Fun, at work.
Day 3To-do to Goal - What's the point?
Day 4Kudos - Small rewards.
Day 5Unschedule - Big rewards.
Day 6This Is For You - Not you, them.

I'm tuckered out.  How about you?


Ahatteberry said...

Hi Vince! I've just started following the Happy H and am amazed that you find the time to write every day. I like what i see so far. Keep up the good work! Oh, and I defintely just clicked on that swim outlet ad on your right rail just for kicks :)

Vince Panzano said...

Ahatteberry - thanks so much for the response :) I'm glad you like what you see so far, but just wait. The Happy Homunculus is only getting warmed up.

Prepare. To. Be. Blown. Away.

Also, thanks for clicking on that ad - I think you just made me 57 cents... Stay classy!

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